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When you're running a charity, safeguarding isn’t just a box to tick or a document to file away—it’s the bedrock of trust in your organisation. Whether you’re supporting children, vulnerable adults, or any other group, your charity has a vital responsibility to keep people safe. Sadly, when charities fall short in this area, the consequences can be serious.

A recent high-profile case saw a charity, once celebrated for its innovative work with young people, lose its charitable status due to serious safeguarding failures. It’s a clear reminder for all charities, safeguarding isn’t an optional extra, it’s essential.

Safeguarding is non-negotiable

In this case, the charity faced significant safeguarding failures and weak governance. There were allegations of financial exploitation of vulnerable individuals, poor leadership oversight, and a culture that didn’t properly address safeguarding concerns.

This is a situation no charity can afford to overlook. Safeguarding covers everything from protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm to ensuring that your organisation provides a safe, ethical environment for everyone involved.

The Charity Commissions of England & Wales, and of Northern Ireland, and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator all oversee charities in the UK. These regulators expect safeguarding to be a core part of how you run your charity. They’ve made it clear that they will step in if an organisation fails to protect those it works with, which could mean losing your charitable status. No longer being a charity fundamentally changes how you can operate, and usually means organisations have to close. No one wants to face that, and with the right precautions, it’s entirely avoidable.


Why good safeguarding practices matter

If your charity doesn’t have clear policies in place or isn’t taking allegations seriously, you’re putting the future of your organisation at risk.

More importantly, though, this is about the safety and wellbeing of people. Many charities support some of the most vulnerable individuals in society, from children to the elderly. Good safeguarding practices mean recognising potential risks, addressing concerns, and creating a culture of safety and accountability. It’s also about empowerment—making sure that everyone involved in your charity, from staff to volunteers to the people you serve, knows that their wellbeing is valued and protected.

When people don’t feel safe with your organisation, it undermines your charity’s mission. That’s why safeguarding has to be embedded in your charity’s culture and day-to-day activities, not just something tucked away in a policy that’s only brought out when something goes wrong.


Are your safeguarding arrangements enough?

If you’re reading this and wondering how your charity measures up, you’re not alone. Many organisations have safeguarding policies in place but aren’t sure if they’re doing enough. This is where we can help. Thirtyone:eight is a leading Christian safeguarding charity that works to help organisations across the UK to become safer places.

The simplest way to stay on top of the seemingly complex world of safeguarding is to become a member with Thirtyone:eight. It not only saves you time and money but also ensures you’re never left to navigate safeguarding on your own.

It’s easy to assume that having a policy in place is enough, but what’s just as important is how well that policy is being applied. If your charity’s culture isn’t open, your recruitment practices aren’t safe, staff and volunteers haven’t been trained to spot safeguarding risks, or your reporting processes are unclear or inconsistent, things can go wrong very quickly. By becoming a member, you’ll have access to all the tools, resources, information, and expert guidance needed to ensure your safeguarding practices are as good as they should be.

Membership also gives you the chance to apply for our Safeguarding Standards Award. If you want to be sure your safeguarding arrangements are top-notch, this is the way to do it. The award includes a thorough, independent review of your current practices, helping you ensure your charity complies with all the necessary regulations and best practices. It’s a comprehensive process, but we’re with you every step of the way. You’ll discover what you’re doing well and where improvements can be made. The award sends a clear message to your supporters, beneficiaries, and the wider public that your charity takes safeguarding seriously. It shows that you’ve gone above and beyond to protect those who come into contact with your organisation and that you’re committed to continuous improvement.


Final thoughts

Safeguarding is a serious responsibility that goes right to the heart of trust and safety in the charitable sector. But you don’t have to face it alone—we’re here to help. Don’t wait for charity regulators to come knocking. Let us support you in ensuring that your safeguarding measures are first-class, so you can have the confidence and recognition that your charity is on the right path. Safeguarding isn’t just about ticking boxes—it’s about care and protection. Together we can create safer places. 

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