Processing fees
The Disclosure and Barring Service (England and Wales) and Access NI (Northern Ireland) charge a set fee per check for any paid workers but not for volunteers (with some exceptions).
Our administration fees cover the costs of processing the check, and hosting our secure online system.
If you process 500 checks or more a year, call us to discuss our bespoke scheme and bulk rates on 0303 003 1111.
All fees are subject to VAT unless otherwise stated and correct as of the date of publication at the bottom of this page.
Online DBS checks
- Enhanced (Paid worker) - £49.50* (DBS fee) plus £10.90+VAT (admin fee)
- Enhanced and Standard (Volunteer) - £10.90+VAT (admin fee)
- Standard (Paid worker) - £21.50* (DBS fee) plus £10.90+VAT (admin fee)
- Basic check (Paid worker and volunteer)- £21.50* (DBS fee) plus £10.90+VAT (admin fee)
Paper DBS Application Forms
- Paper application form Enhanced (Paid worker) - £49.50* (DBS fee) plus £25+VAT (paper form admin fee)
- Paper application form Enhanced and Standard (Volunteer) - £25+VAT (paper form admin fee)
- Paper application form Standard (Paid worker) - £21.50* (DBS fee) plus £25+VAT (paper form admin fee)
- Returned paper application forms with errors £5+VAT per form (admin fee)
Access NI checks
- Paid worker (standard and enhanced) - £33* (Access NI fee) plus £18+VAT (admin fee)
- Volunteer enhanced check - £18+VAT (admin fee)
- Returned rejected applications - £5+VAT per form (admin fee)
DBS Digital ID Checks
- Digital ID Checks for Basic, Standard or Enhanced DBS checks - £4.50+VAT each.
- A Right to work check - £4.50+VAT each.
- Combined Right to work and Digital ID Check - £9+VAT each.
The charge for a Digital ID Check is in addition to the normal DBS Admin fees.
Other DBS related charges
- Route 2 External ID Verification £7.50+VAT – needed when an applicant cannot produce a Group 1 Document (Primary identity documents) for example: Passport, Driving Licence or Birth Certificate.
- DBS Adult First Check £6 (DBS fee) plus £6.50+VAT (admin fee) – needed where DBS Certificates are required by law, such as Care homes, Domiciliary care agencies or adult placement schemes.
- DBS application withdrawal admin fee £5+VAT - this applies to unwanted applications that have already started being processed by the DBS and the organisation wishes for them to be withdrawn.
Payment method
We only accept payment for Disclosure checks by Direct Debit and this is collected the month after the application is submitted. You will receive a Direct Debit notification by email within the first few working days of a month giving 14 days notice before any money is taken.
*not subject to VAT.
Page last updated: 1nd February 2025