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Current Address

In this section you need to give a complete address history for the last five years including a full postcode.

Enter your current address using the address lookup tool or enter it manually.

If you've lived at this property less than five years, you will be taken to another screen where you can add all previous addresses for up to the last five years.

Address Dates

There must be no gaps in your address history, although overlaps are allowed.

The month and year given for each address must follow on from the previous address.

Students who switch between their permanent residence and education establishments should enter their permanent residence as their main address and enter education addresses that overlap the main address.

Once an address has been entered, you can edit any information by clicking on the Edit button.

No Fixed Abode UK

If during the last five years you were of no fixed abode within the UK please enter the nearest hostel, Police Station or Town Hall address in the location where you were based.

Foreign Addresses/Travelling Overseas

If you have travelled overseas and cannot supply the address for a foreign country then please enter no fixed abode for Address Line 1 then enter the Town/City and Country of where you were living during this period.

5 Years address history

If you've lived at the current address for less than five years, you will be taken to another screen where you can add all previous addresses for up to the last five years.


If you have included all the addresses you have lived at in the last 5 years, answer 'NO' to the final question and press, next to move on.

Page last updated: 01 August 2024

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