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Employment Details

In this section, you need to give details about the role you are applying for.

Purpose of check

Select from the drop-down list what the purpose of this basic check is (Employment, Personal Interest or Other.)

If the purpose of the check is employment (either voluntary or paid) you will need to enter your 'Position Applied For' and 'Employment Sector'.

Position Applied For 

You must enter the job role as prompted by your Recruiter.

If you are a volunteer, you should enter something here that makes it clear what your role involves, not just the word 'volunteer' e.g. Caretaker, Administrator, Finance Officer.

Name of Employment Sector 

Select from the drop-down list the most appropriate employment sector that your application relates to. 

Employer Name 

This is set by default to the organisation that asked you to apply for this application and should not be changed.

Once you have completed this section click Next. 

Page last updated: 17 March 2025