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Content warning: this news item relates to a live safeguarding investigation. Please take care when reading.

On Sunday, a joint statement was issued on behalf of the Church of England National Safeguarding Team, the St Albans Diocese, and the Soul Survivor Watford trustees concerning 'an investigation into non-recent safeguarding concerns relating to Mike Pilavachi.'

In any investigation of this kind there is a process that must be followed and it is essential that all elements are conducted in a full and robust way to ensure the best possible outcome for all.

We would encourage everyone to support the process as fully as possible.  

Anyone who wants to speak to someone about any concerns or wants to seek help and advice should do so. There are several sources of support that are available:

More support and advice about how to respond well to safeguarding concerns can also be found on our website at and Resources.

You may also be interested to read our blog on What to do when you learn of safeguarding concerns about a leader


Download and read the easy read version of this statement