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On Tuesday 23rd March 2021 the full and final report of Thirtyone:eight’s independent Lessons Learned review concerning Jonathan Fletcher and Emmanuel Church Wimbledon was published.

The report, which was published on the Walking With website and on the Thirtyone:eight website (with the agreement of Emmanuel Church Wimbledon), remains the only official publication of the review.

It has been our objective throughout the review process that the report and the recommendations it contains be allowed to speak for themselves and read within the wider context of the review. To this end we have not made any additional public comment, with the exception of our statement at the point of publication. Our statement, along with that made by Emmanuel Church Wimbledon on publication of the report, are the only communications of which we have had prior knowledge.

Any other comment or statement that has been made publicly subsequent to publication of the report, whether by individuals, groups or organisations, are their views alone, and are not made on behalf of Thirtyone:eight.

One of the results of publishing a report of this kind which seeks to give a voice to those impacted, will understandably be to give confidence to others to speak out, especially those who may not have previously done so. In line with our organisational values, we respect the right of any individual to express their own personal views and that no one should be prevented from speaking out.

With this report we have sought to meet the ten aims set out in the agreed scope, which was developed by Thirtyone:eight, and finalised by an Independent Advisory Group (IAG) whose specific role (as described within the report) was to provide guidance and scrutiny during the review process up to the point of submission of the report to Emmanuel Church Wimbledon.

The IAG consisted of three members of Thirtyone:eight staff led by Justin Humphreys (Chief Executive) and four external members, including survivor representation. Upon submission of the report to Emmanuel Church Wimbledon, this group was disbanded having fulfilled its duties in relation to the review. The identity of participants was only held by the Reviewers and not shared with others including any members of the IAG.

A process of gathering feedback from all those who participated in the review has already begun as part of a planned evaluation stage. This will offer opportunity for all participants to feedback on their experience of participating in the review

Anyone who feels they have been impacted by the review and would like to speak to someone are encouraged to seek appropriate support. A list of sources of support was made available at the point of publication and can still be found on our website here.

Bridget Robb, Interim Chair of the Board at Thirtyone:eight said: “This review has been one of the most complex, sensitive and lengthy pieces of work that Thirtyone:eight has undertaken. We remain grateful to all those who participated in the process and acknowledge that for many, this came at a great cost and demonstrated great courage as insights and experiences were shared.

“Since publication there have been many views shared, statements made, and articles written, by a wide range of voices holding many different and varied opinions. While we respect people’s right to share their views, we would encourage everyone to consider the opportunity for wider learning within the report recommendations, specifically in regard to the methods used for sharing information and the impact this can have on others.

“As an organisation we are committed to putting survivors first, as we have sought to do throughout this process, and apologise for where we have not achieved this fully, or for where our actions may have caused hurt or distress. We would strongly encourage anyone who has been impacted by the issues raised by the review to seek appropriate support from the sources listed on our website.”

For more information about our independent Lessons Learned review concerning Jonathan Fletcher and Emmanuel Church Wimbledon please go to the review page on our website.