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Scope of the review

The scope will provide the basis for thirtyone:eight to undertake a robust and comprehensive exploration of both good practice and failings in culture and safeguarding practice at Emmanuel Church Wimbledon (ECW), both past and present. The review is intended to enable the voices of those impacted by the behaviour of Jonathan Fletcher to be expressed and heard alongside other contextual information and concerns from other legitimate sources.  The aim of the review is to ascertain the following:

  1. As far as is possible, a comprehensive picture of Jonathan Fletcher’s activities in relation to the alleged harm caused to individuals, especially whilst serving as vicar at ECW (during the period 1982 – 2012).
  2. Were any of the abusive incidences (physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual or psychological) known to anyone at ECW prior to the period immediately leading to the withdrawal of Permission to Officiate (PTO) by the Bishop of Southwark in 2017.
  3. Why it took such a long period of time for the abuse allegations to come to light.
  4. To what extent the cultural context at ECW provided an environment for such abuse to occur and to not be disclosed, and what factors contributed to this.
  5. To what extent Jonathan Fletcher was able to have a continued influence on the culture and decision making after his incumbency completed in 2012.
  6. To what extent the policy, procedure and process for reporting abuse prevented earlier disclosure, and/or earlier action, taking into account how safeguarding policy evolved over the relevant years.
  7. Whether the ECW response to the disclosures and allegations was adequate and protective.
  8. What additional steps have already been taken to improve ECW’s processes, culture, etc to mitigate any risk of repetition of such events or similar.
  9. In keeping with Charity Commission requirements, what lessons need to be learned by ECW, and what measures still need to be implemented to help prevent such abusive incidences from re-occurring, and how are these supported by current policies and procedures.
  10. What opportunities there are for wider learning for organisations beyond ECW.
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