Safeguarding Standards Award Terms and Conditions
For the purposes of these terms and conditions the Safeguarding Standards Award is referred to as 'the Award'.
- You agree that you have read and understood our privacy policy.
- By applying for the Award you consent to receiving communications relating to its administration and any further activities relating to the award including its ongoing management, promotion, and renewal.
- You agree to notify us of any relevant changes to your organisation during your application and assessment process e.g. key contacts, addresses etc
- The Award is not an endorsement that your organisation is safe and free from any risk and you agree to not state or imply any endorsement or guarantee by virtue of having achieved the award.
- We reserve the right to withdraw the Award if circumstances or events conflict with the evidence on which the Award was given at any later date during the lifetime of the Award. Thirtyone:eight accepts no liability should such circumstances of events occur.
- If your award is withdrawn you must immediately stop displaying the award assets. e.g. at your premises, on your website.
Fees and payment
- Any fees relating to your application must be paid in full in advance of any submissions. Your application for the award process will only be considered complete once payment has been received.
- The Award fees are subject to VAT and are non-refundable – whether you are successful or unsuccessful.
Evidence submission
- Submission of evidence for the Award should be completed by the completion date confirmed by your Assessor which will be within six months of your application. Any extension to this deadline will be based on exceptional circumstances only and at the discretion of Thirtyone:eight.
- All evidence should be submitted via the Thirtyone:eight dedicated online portal. Any evidence submitted by any other means may not be included in the assessment.
- Thirtyone:eight will provide feedback on your award submission, whether successful or not as part of the process.
- If your organisation fails to supply the necessary evidence for the award within the agreed timeframe, your access to the thirtyone:eight portal will be halted and thirtyone:eight will not be able to continue any work in relation to your organisation’s submission. A further application would be treated as a new one, with full payment, in order to continue with the Award
Successful submission
- You are only permitted to use and display the logos and any other associated promotional assets (signage and certificates etc..) related to successfully achieving the award after receiving the result of your award, and only during the period for which the award applies. This would normally be for a period of three years (as stated on any such assets).
Unsuccessful submission
- If your submission is unsuccessful but you are within a margin of less than 10% of the required pass mark, Thirtyone:eight may grant an extension / resubmission at no further charge of those sections in order for your organisation to meet the appropriate level.
- If your submission is unsuccessful and you are outside by a margin of 10% or more, you will need to resubmit once the required actions have been put in place. We will offer a discount for resubmissions of 50%
- Resubmission must be applied for within six months of receiving your result. Resubmissions after this period will be treated as a new application.
Last updated: 14 September 2023