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Applicants can now subscribe to the DBS Update Service with a new Certificate. Once subscribed the individual can take their Certificate with them from role to role where the exact same level and type of check are required. The status can be regularly checked by the employer so there will also be no further need to apply for fresh disclosures when renewing them. With the individual’s permission, employers can go online for a free and instant check to find out whether the Certificate is still up to date. Status checks must be carried out at least once annually, to avoid the DBS potentially cancelling the applicant's subscription for being inactive. 

Care should be taken however as you can only use a like-for-like check in this situation. This is because the employer/recruiting body is not legally entitled to know any subsequent information relating to a different workforce or level of regulated/non-regulated activity. For example, a nurse who has been checked for working with children and vulnerable adults can’t then use that check for working just with children in a youth activity. Similarly, a volunteer check can’t be used for a paid role.

The Update Service will only check for new information which relates to the applicant and not individuals connected with the home address if the applicant carries out some or all of their work from home.

If your organisation is part of a diocese/organisation group, please first check with them if their policy allows the DBS Update Service to be accepted.


Update Service - Examples

Frequently asked questions

Page last updated: 30th Jan 2025