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Verifying the applicant's identity

When the applicant has completed their Application Form, they must then show you their identity documentation for you to review. This should be original documents only (not copies) and in person (not via a video/conference call).

The list of acceptable documents can be viewed here.

When checking the applicant's documents you should have their application form in front of you, so that you can compare the information from their documents against the information they have entered on their application form. If this isn't possible for whatever reason, you should take copies of the documents and compare them as soon as you can.

The accuracy of the ID checking and address validation process is crucial to the effectiveness of the disclosure process and directly impacts the integrity of the disclosure result. A poor or inaccurate ID check will result in a worthless disclosure being issued.


  • Only accept valid original documentation.
  • See at least one document in the applicant’s current name.
  • See at least one document which confirms the applicant’s date of birth.
  • See at least one document to confirm the applicant’s current address.
  • Ask for photographic identity where possible (e.g. passport, photo driving licence, etc.)
  • See relevant documentation to validate a name change (e.g. a marriage certificate/deed poll/civil partnership certificate/divorce decree absolute or civil partnership dissolution certificate).


  • Check ID for yourself or an applicant related to you (ask another recruiter for your organisation to do this).
  • Accept photocopies of any identification documents.
  • Accept documents which don't meet the ID checking rules (e.g. a utility bill that is more than three months old, or an out-of-date passport).
  • Accept documentation printed from the internet e.g. online bank statements.
  • Accept the foreign equivalent of an identity document if that document is listed as ‘UK’ on the list of valid identity documents.

You should cross-match all identity and proof of address documents with the information provided on the disclosure application form and any other information you have been provided with as part of the recruitment process such as their CV (name, previous names, date and place of birth, address etc.), and compare any photo ID against the applicant's likeness.

This can highlight if important information has not been given e.g. if the applicant’s CV shows that they have worked in Liverpool in the last five years but the application form only shows London addresses, you may wish to question the applicant further about this.

If the applicant is unable to provide proof of a name change, then the DBS states that you must have a probing discussion to ascertain why they are unable to show this evidence.

Further information and advice around checking ID can be found at

Route 2 (for those who cannot provide a Group 1 document)

If you are unable to verify an applicant’s ID using Route 1 you will need to follow the process for Route 2. Under these circumstances, you will need to carry out an External Validation Process. Please be aware that there is an additional cost, which can be found here.

ID Verification – how does the process work?

  1. The Recruiter obtains consent from the applicant to undergo an ID Verification Check.
  2. The Recruiter follows the link given below to an online form in a secure area of our website.
  3. The Recruiter enters their name, organisation name and reference number along with the applicant’s full name, previous name (if applicable), title, address (including postcode), date of birth and email address – all of this information is essential and you will be unable to progress without it.
  4. The check will appear on the applicant’s credit file as an ID check but will not affect their ability to obtain credit in any way.
  5. Once the result is received we will email the Lead Recruiter with either a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ result for the applicant.
  6. If a ‘pass’ is received you can then enter the reference number of the check - which will be given in the result email – onto the validation form.
  7. If a ‘fail’ is received you will need to follow Route 3.

For you to conduct the ID validation check please which will take you to the login page of a secure part of our website.

Page last updated: 01 February 2024