Become a member Call our safeguarding helpline

The Crowded House have commissioned thirtyone:eight to offer an independent safeguarding helpline to support anyone who feels they have been harmed or impacted by the allegations relating to Steve Timmis or ​by any leader, or leaders of The Crowded House churches.

If you have been affected in any way and would like to speak to someone independent about it, you can contact our safeguarding helpline on 0303 003 1111. Please quote ‘The Crowded House’ when you speak to us so we can immediately know what your call is in connection with and can help you accordingly.

Our helpline is staffed by a team of caring and experienced professionals who are here to listen and advise you. Even if you're not completely sure about your concerns or what support you need, you can talk to someone who'll be able to help.

Information you share with us will not be shared with anyone outside of thirtyone:eight, including The Crowded House, without your consent (unless action needs to be taken to protect you or others in adherence to standard safeguarding practice and protocol).