Failed digital ID checks
If the result of the digital ID check is FAIL, you must read and Download the Digital ID Report to understand why it has failed. You can view the reason(s) why this has failed by selecting the 'documents' tab of the application.
Depending on the reason(s) it has failed the identity check might need to be done manually. To reset the ID check click the 'RESET ID CHECK' button at the top of the application. This will allow you to re-invite the applicant or choose to complete the ID check manually.
Reasons why it might have failed?
If you Download the Digital ID Report, it will contain a 'Summary of Checks' table that will indicate a green tick for the areas that have passed and either a red X or orange triangle for areas that have caused it to fail.
Useful links:
For any questions relating to our DBS system call our Disclosure Helpline, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm on 0303 003 1111.
Understanding the 'Summary of Checks' table
If permitted documents are marked with a red cross, it could be for one of the following reasons:
- The applicant has not provided the correct combination of ID documents. This list of permitted documents can be viewed here.
- The images of the documents are not clear and or have areas cut off - making them unreadable.
- The Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) has been cut off the bottom of the passport. MRZ is a machine-readable version of the holder’s data (like a barcode) at the bottom of a Passport or ID card.
- For certain documents e.g. Driving Licence the front and back page of the document might not have been provided.
- If this is marked with a green tick the document(s) have passed the verification checks including MRZ.
- If this is marked with a red cross, it has failed the verification checks. An example of why this could happen is if the MRZ number was not visible in the uploaded image.
- If this is marked with a green tick, it means their documents have passed the Identity fraud check.
- If this is marked with a red X it means they have failed the Identity fraud check.
Amberhill data (used for the Identity fraud check) is available to nominated public and private sector organisations. More information on Amberhill checks can be found here.
Liveness testing ensures that a selfie is presented by a real live person and is not a printed photo or video. It will show one of two outcomes:
- If this is marked with a green check, TrustID have been able to confirm the selfie submitted is a live photo
- If this is marked with a red cross Trust ID has been unable to confirm if the selfie provided is a live photo.
Trust ID uses facial biometrics to verify the identity of the person by comparing their selfie to the facial biometrics recorded on their ID document. It will show one of two outcomes:
- If this is marked as green, it means the selfie submitted has been assessed as being the same person as in the identity document(s).
- If this is marked as a red cross, it means the selfie submitted has been unable to be matched to the person in the identity documents. This could be due to a poor quality selfie being provided, the applicant wearing a hat, glasses or covering their ears.
Document Present analyses if the document was live and present when captured. This is a liveness check performed over the ID captured to ensure the image uploaded is not a copy of the ID or a picture taken from a screen, for example.
The possible outcomes for the Document Present check are:
- Green tick – the document is present, and the image was captured live.
- Red Cross – the document isn’t present and the image is not live: it’s a picture of a copy, a picture of a screen, etc.
- Orange Triangle – document presence undetermined.
- If this is marked as a green tick, the applicant has passed the digital address check.
- If this displays a red or orange cross and states 'Address Verification (No Match)' no record of the candidate residing at that address has been found against public records held within the LexisNexis databases. If this happens, please 'Reset ID check' and complete the ID check manually instead.
Name Crosscheck is Trust ID checking that the names on both documents are a complete match.
- If this is marked as green, it means the applicant's names are matching across the documents provided.
- If this is marked with a red x it means the applicant's name is different across the two documents provided and cannot be used for a digital ID check.
If a digital ID check has failed for 'Name Crosscheck' and it is not obvious which name does not match, please contact us within 7 days of the result being issued, so this can be followed up with Trust ID.
Frequently asked questions
GPG45 is the level of confidence that the DBS require. This profile stipulates the combination of documents required to obtain a pass.
If the report is showing GPG45 Profile as Fail, this means the applicant has either:
- Not provided permitted documents.
- Not passed the Liveness check
- Not passed Face Match check
- Not passed the Name Crosscheck
This is a machine-readable code (like a barcode) at the bottom of a Passport or ID card. This needs to be fully readable on the image provided. If this is not fully readable it can result in the ID check failing.
This analyses the photo to look for signs it has been changed or a new photo overlaid. It also examines the document features, including alignment, colour, symbols, and other details that should be present on a genuine version of the ID type being checked. If the Image Analysis check fails, the overall Document Verification status should also fail, and the document analysts will add a note to explain the reason for the failure in the notes section of the report.
Example report
Page last updated: 24 June 2024